
  • In-Person

    Lauren currently teaches in person at Peak Aerial Fitness in Kelowna, BC.

    She teaches Intro to Hoop, Hoop Level 2, and Hoop Fluidity.

    Please visit the Peak Aerial Fitness website or the MindBody app for more information and to sign up for these classes!

  • Workshops

    Lauren is available to run workshops at your studio. If you are interested in hosting a workshop from Lauren, please reach out! Please see below for her current workshop offerings.

    Lauren also occasionally hosts workshops at her home studio Peak Aerial Fitness. Please check the Peak Aerial Fitness page or Lauren’s social media for workshop announcements.

  • Retreats

    If you are interested in hosting Lauren for an aerial retreat, please reach out to discuss details.

As a teacher, Lauren demonstrates and inspires dedication, dynamism, and discovery. She secures an environment of creativity, growth, and play.
— Alyxander, student
Lauren is a wonderful teacher, who takes time to explain each step and ensures safety in every lesson. She takes the time to train theory behind combo building and execution, as well as tricks themselves. I have definitely become a more competent and confident aerialist thanks to her coaching!
— Shayden, student


  • Spanset for Beginners / Spanset for Intermediate

    Spanset for Beginners

    Spanset for Beginners introduces hoop students to my favourite part of the hoop – above the hoop! This workshop covers basic entrance and exit to the spanset, along with some of my favourite beginner spanset moves and a mini spanset flow for you!

    Prerequisites: Top bar knee hang, comfortable getting into the hoop multiple times

    Spanset for Intermediate

    Spanset for Intermediate builds upon the foundations of Spanset for Beginners, allowing you to continue to elevate your spanset work. This workshop introduces concepts such as working with spanset slack, spanset drops, and increasing your spanset repertoire.

    Prerequisites: Straddle invert, strong single knee hang, 30 second bent arm hang

  • Act Creation for Beginners

    Have you ever wanted to put together your very own aerial performance, but just didn’t know where to start? This workshop will introduce you to my act creation framework and process, using my act creation worksheet to start planning your very own aerial act! During this half day workshop we will also begin to explore some creative movement exercises to start becoming more in tune with our bodies and how we like to move. By the end of the workshop you should be well on your way to creating your very own aerial act!

    I understand that this is a half day workshop introducing concepts of act creation, but does not allow time for all participants to create an entire act during the workshop. If you are interested in continuing to work with me to further develop your aerial act, I offer 1:1 zoom calls to achieve this. Please reach out to me during or after the workshop to arrange this.

    This workshop is open to all aerial disciplines. Please note this workshop is ground based and we will not be using any aerial apparatus during the workshop!

    Prerequisites: a willingness to look silly and challenge yourselves!

  • Hoop Fluidity for Beginners / Hoop Fluidity for Intermediate

    Hoop Fluidity for Beginners

    Are you used to working on skills but don’t know where to start putting it all together? In my Hoop Fluidity for Beginners workshop we will work through 2 flows, working on putting moves together with cool transitions and exercising your creativity to put your own spin on things!

    Prerequisites: Comfortable getting into the hoop multiple times, amazon, double knee hang

    Hoop Fluidity for Intermediate

    Do you have a decent skills repertoire but don’t quite know how to tie it all together? In my Hoop Fluidity for Intermediate aerialists workshop, we will work through an aerial hoop flow consisting of intermediate moves including top bar moves, and begin to work on incorporating creativity to find your own variations.

    Prerequisites: top bar knee hang, single knee hang, front balance